Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is love?

When the temperature hits 90 F
and at your bird -feeder thirsty birds are gathering
to make a fresh water "pond" with dripping cold water "for the birds"
When a hungry squirrel is at your door
asking for food and you make a sandwich
with peanut butter and give it to his asking "hands"
When you learn to say thank you
and appreciate people's kindness to you
And if you wish to continue
go to the comments and sign
and say something about
This is Blue bird's message
for today: on a hot and humid day
on Long Island, N.Y. USA

Monday, June 11, 2007

Say Good bye and Hello!

Today's philosophy : When one door closes on you an other door opens for you. Lo and Behold: what is opening might be better stuff than what you had before! Now you sorry that you were locked up behind that good bye door.
But wait: we don't know the future! At the open door only future stuff are looking good but....
wait and see after all nothing is perfect. You may digest the philosophy for today from
Blue bird :-)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Web Site gone

I worked on it for more than a year.

Now I made a decision to cancel it,

but with the idea to make a better one.

It's about Environmental Issues.

That will be the Web Site.

It was not possible to change all the pages.

Just start all over again.

Until than I am blogging on this blogspot

while the new Web Site is created.

You will like it! Guaranty.

Promise from Blue bird :-)
P.S. It would be so nice if somebody
from somewhere would leave a comment.
Anonymous you don't have to sign in,
you don't have to tell who you are.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer is coming?

Summer in the Northern hemisphere comes in June when we will have the longest day and shortest night in a year. As a matter of fact: the Sun does not go down at the North Pole for one night or day which ever comes first. No, I have not experienced that event, but have seen on the screen that it is a funny feeling when someone wants to go to sleep and it does not get dark.
Well on a rainy day or night may be is different.
Those people who go to Alaska in June may be have unusual expectations. A friend of mine did go to a tour for 21 days at this time of the year and he said" From 21 days in Alaska it so happened that 20 days was raining" Now that is brutal!
So can be in summer time. But than again the vegetation did not mind it at all.
Where I live in Long Island N.Y. State summer time mostly gets hot weather with 3 H:
Hazy, Hot and Humid. From that the humidity what makes life very miserable and unpleasant. There are various ways to go through those days: with cooling system: A/C or at the water ocean, lake, river, swimming pools what ever comes in the way. However if you can go a little higher elevation in the nearby " mountains" ( 2000 feet) humidity will not bother you.
We should enjoy this month of June when the roses are blooming.
Soon will come the longest day and than we will have to think: " Every June speaks about her step sister: December." Well in this region anyway.
But there are places on Earth where the summer never ends and you can always think about it if you live up North.
Photo by Blue bird. Copy right@Yoolly Studio 2006
This photo was published in Collecive Magazine @BBC

Friday, June 1, 2007

Memorial Day Parade in a small town USA

See my Web Site: http://www.yoolly.com/MEMORIAL_DAY.HTML

Click on the URL above! It's working!
You will see many pictures of the Parade.I was working hard to make this report
and share it hoping that you will enjoy the photos of a nice event participating by hundreds of people.
Please click on the Web address above.
Photos: Blue bird
Copy right: @Yoolly Studio.
Leave a comment as ANONYMOUS you don't have to sign in or tell who you are. Thank you. Blue bird :-)